9 Essential BMX Tricks Every Rider Should Master

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.— Albert Einstein”

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been riding for a while, learning BMX tricks is super important. It’s like discovering a whole new world of fun! 

Whether you’re showing off at the skatepark! Or dreaming of competing in big events, mastering these tricks will make you feel like a BMX superstar.

Get ready to learn some awesome BMX tricks! In this blog, we’ll cover nine essential moves that every rider should know. We’ll explain each trick step-by-step. 

Some are easy, others are cooler! So, grab your helmet, hop on your bike, and let’s get started on this exciting journey together! 

Essential BMX Tricks

Trick #1: The Bunny Hop

Let’s talk about the Bunny Hop! It’s one of the first tricks you’ll learn in BMX! And it’s super important because it helps you jump over obstacles and get some serious air.

Mastering the Bunny Hop sets the foundation for learning more advanced tricks down the road.

Here’s How You Do It

  1. Start by rolling forward on your bike at a comfortable speed.
  2. Bend your knees and crouch down, keeping your weight centered over the bike.
  3. As you’re rolling, quickly straighten your legs and pull up on the handlebars.
  4. Lift the front wheel off the ground first, followed by the back wheel.
  5. Once both wheels are off the ground, use your legs to tuck them up towards your chest.
  6. As you reach the peak of your jump, extend your legs to level out the bike.
  7. Land both wheels back on the ground simultaneously, bending your knees to absorb the impact.

Tips for nailing the Bunny Hop

  • Practice in a flat, open area before attempting it over obstacles.
  • Start with small jumps and gradually work your way up to bigger ones.
  • Focus on timing and coordination between lifting both wheels evenly.
  • Keep your eyes forward and your body relaxed throughout the jump.
  • Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can throw off your balance.

Fun fact: Did you know that the world record for the highest bunny hop on a BMX bike is over 45 inches? That’s like jumping over a kitchen countertop! So, with enough practice and determination, you could be soaring to new heights on your BMX too!

Trick #2: The Manual

The manual is a classic BMX trick that adds style and flair to your riding. It’s like riding a wheelie but without pedaling! And mastering it will earn you major street credit among fellow riders.

Here’s How to Nail the Manual

  1. Begin by rolling at a moderate speed, with your feet firmly planted on the pedals.
  2. Shift your weight slightly back while keeping your arms straight and your knees slightly bent.
  3. Use your body and arms to lift the front wheel off the ground, while simultaneously leaning back to maintain balance.
  4. Once the front wheel is up, focus on keeping your weight centered and your eyes forward.
  5. Use subtle adjustments in your body position to control the height and angle of the manual.
  6. To end the manual, gently lower the front wheel back to the ground and regain your balance.

Tips for Mastering the Manual

  • Start by practicing on flat ground before attempting it on slopes or obstacles.
  • Focus on finding the sweet spot where you can balance the manual for an extended period.
  • Use your arms and upper body to make small adjustments to keep the manual steady.
  • Keep your core engaged and your movements smooth and controlled.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you wobble or lose balance at first – it takes time and practice to perfect the manual.

Incorporating the Manual Into Your Riding:

  • Use manuals to navigate through tight spaces or over small obstacles.
  • Add manuals into your street riding repertoire to add style and creativity to your lines.
  • Combine manuals with other tricks like bunny hops or 180-degree spins for added flair.

Fun fact: The longest manual ever recorded on a BMX bike was over 330 feet! That’s longer than a football field! So, next time you’re practicing your manuals, remember that with dedication and practice, you could be setting your own records too!

Trick #3: The 180° Turn

It’s like spinning magic on your BMX bike! This trick is super important in freestyle riding because it adds flow and creativity to your lines. Whether you’re riding through the park or tearing up the streets, mastering the 180° turn will take your riding to the next level.

Here’s How to Nail the Perfect 180° Turn

  1. Start by rolling forward at a comfortable speed, keeping your knees slightly bent and your weight centered over the bike.
  2. As you approach the turn, shift your weight to the back of the bike and carve into the direction you want to spin.
  3. Use your shoulders and hips to initiate the rotation, turning your head and looking over your shoulder in the direction of the turn.
  4. Push down on the handlebars and lift the front wheel off the ground slightly to help pivot the bike.
  5. Keep your eyes focused on where you want to land and use your arms to guide the bike through the spin.
  6. As you complete the rotation, absorb the impact with your knees and regain control of the bike.

Tips for Mastering the 180° Turn

  • Practice on flat ground before attempting it on ramps or obstacles.
  • Focus on carving into the turn smoothly and maintaining your balance throughout the rotation.
  • Start with smaller turns and gradually work your way up to bigger spins.
  • Use your body weight and momentum to generate power for the spin.
  • Don’t forget to spot your landing and keep your eyes focused ahead to maintain control.

Variations of the 180° Turn

Half-Cab: A 180° turn in the opposite direction, often used to link tricks or change direction mid-line.

Fakie 180: Performing a 180° turn while riding backward (fakie), adding an extra challenge to the maneuver.

Nose Pivot: Initiating the turn with the front wheel lifted off the ground, creating a stylish pivot effect.

Fun fact: The 180° turn is one of the first tricks many riders learn, but mastering it opens the door to a world of possibilities in BMX freestyle. So, keep practicing, and who knows? You might just spin your way to BMX limelight!

Trick #4: The Grind

Grinding is like gliding on rails with your BMX bike! Grinds are super important in street BMX riding because they add style and flair to your lines. 

Whether it’s along a curb or down a handrail, mastering it would boost your street cred in the BMX community. It’s a skill that shows your prowess and style in urban riding.

Grinds Come in all Shapes and Sizes

  • Feeble Grind: Balancing on the front peg and the back wheel while sliding along a ledge or rail.
  • Smith Grind: Grinding with the back truck of the bike while the front wheel is lifted off the obstacle.
  • Crooked Grind: Grinding with the front truck of the bike while the back wheel is lifted off the obstacle.

Ready to grind? Here’s How To Do It

  1. Approach the obstacle with moderate speed, keeping your weight centered over the bike.
  2. As you reach the edge of the obstacle, lift your front wheel slightly to initiate the grind.
  3. Position your pegs or trucks securely on the edge of the obstacle, maintaining balance and control.
  4. Keep your body relaxed and focused on maintaining your balance throughout the grind.
  5. As you reach the end of the obstacle, gently lift your bike off the edge and roll away smoothly.

Safety first! When Grinding, Make Sure To:

  • Wear protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads, to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Inspect the obstacle for any potential hazards or rough edges that could cause damage to your bike or pose a safety risk.
  • Start with smaller, low-risk obstacles and gradually work your way up to more challenging grinds as you gain confidence and skill.

Fun fact: Did you know that the longest BMX rail grind ever recorded was an astonishing 114 feet, achieved by professional BMX rider Terry Price? Now that’s what I call grinding in style! So, get out there, find your favorite rail, and let’s see if you can top that record!

Trick #5: The Tailwhip

Suppose you’re riding your BMX bike and you jump into the air. While you’re up there, you spin the frame of your bike around in a circle. 

It looks really cool because it shows how skilled and stylish you are! Whether you’re at the skatepark or just hanging out with friends, being able to do this trick, called a “tailwhip,” will make everyone look at you and say, “Wow!”. 

It’s like being the main star of the show because it’s so impressive!

Let’s Break Down the Tailwhip into Easy Steps

  1. Begin by gaining some air off a ramp or jump, making sure to lift your legs up towards your chest.
  2. With your dominant foot, kick the frame of the bike in the direction opposite to your rotation.
  3. As the bike spins around, use your non-dominant foot to guide the rotation and maintain control.
  4. Keep your eyes focused on the bike as it completes the rotation and prepare to catch the handlebars as they come back around.
  5. Once the bike completes a full rotation, extend your legs and bring the bike back under control to land smoothly.

Here are Some Tips to Help you Along the Way:

Remember,progressing towards mastering the tailwhip takes time and practice.

  • Start by practicing on flat ground or a small ramp to get comfortable with the spinning motion.
  • Focus on getting a solid pop off the ramp or jump to give yourself enough airtime for the trick.
  • Practice each part of the tailwhip separately before trying the full trick. Break it down into smaller movements and take your time.
  • Don’t get discouraged by falls – learning new tricks takes perseverance and dedication.

Fun fact:The tailwhip originated in skateboarding during the 1970s. BMX riders then picked up the trick and made it a key part of freestyle biking. So, when you land a tailwhip, you’re continuing a tradition across different action sports!

Trick #6: The Bar Spin

Another popular trick is called a “bar spin.” Suppose you’re riding your BMX bike and you jump into the air. 

While you’re up there, you quickly spin the handlebars of your bike around in a circle. It looks really awesome because it shows off how skilled and stylish you are!

Let’s Dive into the Steps for Mastering the Basic Bar Spin

  1. Begin by gaining some air off a ramp or jump, ensuring you have enough height and time to complete the trick.
  2. As you leave the ground, use your dominant hand to grab hold of the seat or seat post, stabilizing your body.
  3. With your non-dominant hand, quickly release the grip on the handlebars and spin them 360 degrees in either direction.
  4. Keep your eyes focused on the spinning handlebars and anticipate their rotation to prepare for the catch.
  5. Once the handlebars complete the rotation, reach out with your non-dominant hand to grab them and regain control of the bike.
  6. Bring the bike back under control and prepare to land smoothly.

Here are Some Advanced Variations and Tips

  • When you’re practicing tricks on your BMX bike, try spinning the handlebars in different ways. For example, you can spin them to the left or to the right. This helps make your tricks more interesting because it adds variety. So, instead of always doing the same thing, you can mix it up and keep things exciting!
  • Practice combining the bar spin with other tricks, like tailwhips or 180° turns, to create impressive combos.
  • Work on increasing the speed and smoothness of your bar spins by practicing regularly and focusing on fluid movements.

Some Common Hurdles Include

Like any new trick, learning the bar spin can pose challenges along the way.

Timing: Getting the timing right between releasing the handlebars and catching them can take practice. So be patient and keep trying.

Confidence: Overcoming the fear of letting go of the handlebars mid-air is a common obstacle for beginners. But with practice and determination, you’ll build confidence over time.

Balance: Maintaining balance while spinning the handlebars requires coordination and control. So focus on staying centered and keeping your body aligned.

In big BMX contests, you’ll see amazing moments where riders do cool tricks like bar spins. They do them in videos too, always trying to do something new and cool. When you watch BMX videos or contests, pay attention to bar spins. They might give you ideas for your own riding!

Trick #7: The Wallride

Suppose you’re riding down the street, and suddenly you spot a wall. Without hesitation, you ride up and smoothly glide across it, defying gravity and impressing everyone who sees you. That’s the wallride magic!

Now, Let’s Break Down How to Tackle This Thrilling Action

  1. Approach the wall at a moderate speed, ensuring you have enough momentum to carry you up and onto it.
  2. As you near the wall, angle your bike slightly towards it and prepare to lean into the wall with your body.
  3. Just before reaching the wall, use your momentum to launch yourself upwards, aiming to make contact with the wall around mid-height.
  4. As you make contact with the wall, shift your weight back slightly to maintain balance and control.
  5. Ride along the wall’s surface for as long as desired, keeping your focus ahead to anticipate your exit.
  6. To dismount, simply lean away from the wall and guide your bike back onto the ground, ready to continue your ride.

Bit of Safety Tips

  • Start small: Begin by practicing on low, gently sloping walls to build confidence and familiarity with the technique.
  • Protective gear: Wear a helmet and other appropriate safety gear to protect yourself in case of falls or collisions.
  • Spotter: When practicing wallrides, it’s helpful to have a friend or fellow rider watch you. They can offer guidance and assistance if you need it.

Check out stories of riders who’ve taken wallrides to the next level. Pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with this exciting trick. 

From viral videos to legendary street spots, you’ll find plenty of inspiring feats to fuel your BMX ambitions!

Trick #8: The Tabletop

Just Imagine you’re riding your bike and suddenly you jump into the air. While you’re up there, you tilt your bike sideways and make your body twist in a cool way, creating a shape like a table. It’s like making art while you’re flying through the air!

Now, Let’s Break Down the Elements of a Textbook Tabletop:

  1. As you approach the jump, prepare to lift your bike off the lip by compressing your body and coiling your legs.
  2. As you leave the lip of the jump, extend your body upwards while simultaneously kicking your bike out to the side.
  3. Once airborne, focus on straightening your arms and extending your legs while keeping your bike parallel to the ground.
  4. To make the classic tabletop shape, tilt your bike sideways slightly. This creates a tabletop surface with your bike frame.
  5. Hold the tabletop position momentarily before preparing to bring your bike back beneath you for a smooth landing.

Ready to Elevate your Tabletop Game? Try These Practice Drills:

  • Start with tabletop drills on flat ground or small jumps to master the basic motion and positioning.
  • Focus on achieving symmetry and balance in your tabletops, aiming for a clean and consistent shape each time.
  • Experiment with different degrees of tilt and extension to add your own personal style to the trick.

Fun fact: In the 1980s, a BMX legend named Eddie Fiola, also known as “The King of the Skateparks,” made the tabletop trick famous. His smooth and stylish tabletops became a benchmark for riders for years, earning him a special place in the BMX community.

Trick #9: The Superman

Let’s talk about the Superman – the king of all aerial tricks! Suppose you are flying through the air like a superhero, stretching out your body in a gravity-defying pose. It’s the ultimate expression of BMX aerial mastery!

Here’s How to Pull off a Superman Like a Pro

  1. As you approach the jump, prepare to launch yourself into the air with confidence and speed.
  2. As you approach the jump, stretch your arms and legs outward, mimicking Superman in flight. This helps stabilize your position and adds style to your jump.
  3. Arch your back slightly to create a sleek and stylish silhouette, maximizing the visual impact of the trick.
  4. Hold the superman position for a moment, soaking in the sensation of soaring through the sky.
  5. As you begin to descend, bring your limbs back in and prepare for a smooth landing.

Safety first! 

While supermans may make you feel like a superhero, it’s important to take precautions to avoid injury:

  • Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, pads, and gloves, to minimize the risk of injury during aerial maneuvers.
  • Start small and gradually work your way up to larger jumps and higher airs to build confidence and control.
  • Practice proper landing techniques to ensure a safe and smooth return to earth after executing the superman.

Need a visual guide? Watch videos and tutorials of riders doing supermans. They show the trick in slow motion, making it easier to understand. By watching experts, you’ll learn how to do it yourself.

Lets Rep It Up

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this BMX Tricks adventure, haven’t we? We’ve talked about nine key tricks every rider should know, like the bunny hop and the Superman. But our journey doesn’t end here – it’s just the beginning!

Remember, practice makes progress. Take your time perfecting your bunny hop or fine-tuning your Superman.

Remember to enjoy the ride and have fun! BMX is all about pushing your limits, challenging yourself, and having fun along the way.

I want to hear from you! Share your BMX experiences, favorite BMX Tricks, or even your own tips and tricks in the comments below.

Let’s keep the conversation going and inspire each other to reach new heights in this BMX journey.

Stay tuned for more BMX tips, tricks, and tutorials coming your way. Until then, keep rolling, keep riding, and keep chasing those dreams. The world is your playground – so go out there and ride like there’s no tomorrow!

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

Join Reko and with more than 50k readers each month, my goal is to share my knowledge with you. My reviews are based on my own experiences (and not from a nameless brand).

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