Trampoline Tricks and Stunts: How to Level Up Your Bouncing Skills

“Did you know? The world record for the most consecutive backflips on a trampoline is 50, set by Ashrita Furman in 2016.”

Trampolines are like magic carpets that can make you fly and Trampoline Tricks and Stunts. Imagine jumping high in the air, doing flips, twists, and spins. It’s like being in your own circus.

What makes trampolines so fun and exciting? Well, for starters, there’s the thrill of defying gravity. 

Trampoline Tricks and Stunts

When you leap off the trampoline, you feel weightless for a moment, like you’re soaring through the sky.

Then there’s the rush of adrenaline as you try new tricks. Each time you nail a move, it’s like winning a small victory. And even if you fall, there’s a soft landing waiting for you, thanks to the bouncy trampoline surface.

But perhaps the best part is the sense of freedom. When you’re on a trampoline, you can let go of your worries and just focus on having fun. It’s a place where you can be yourself and unleash your inner acrobat.

In the blog, I’ll mainly talk about tricks and stunts. We’ll learn about their history, why they’re good for your health, some cool facts, and the fun tricks you can do on them. So, get ready to jump and have a great time while staying healthy!

Basic Bouncing Techniques

Let’s dive deeper into the basics of trampoline bouncing and some simple tricks for beginners.

These tricks are easy to learn and will help you get the hang of bouncing on a trampoline. Remember to start slow, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re bouncing.

Proper Bouncing Technique

Bend your knees: When you’re getting ready to jump, make sure to bend your knees a little bit. This helps your body absorb the bouncy feeling when you land back on the trampoline.

Use your arms: Swing your arms up as you jump. It’s like giving yourself a little push to go higher.

Stay in the middle: Try to jump in the middle of the trampoline. Don’t lean too much forward or backward. Just stay right in the middle to keep your balance.

Land softly: When you come back down, try to land gently on both feet. Bend your knees a bit to make it a soft landing.

Control your jumps: Try to keep your jumps smooth and steady. Don’t bounce too fast or in a wild way. Keep it nice and controlled.

Easy Trampoline Tricks for Beginners

Basic Bounce: Just start with simple up-and-down jumps. Get comfortable with the feeling of bouncing on the trampoline.

Seat Drop: Jump up a little and then tuck your knees to your chest. Land on your bottom with your legs out straight.

Knee Drop: Do the same as the seat drop, but instead of landing on your bottom, land on your knees with your feet off the ground.

Toe Touch: Jump up and try to touch your toes with your fingertips before coming back down.

Straight Jump: Jump up as high as you can while keeping your body straight, like you’re reaching for the sky.

Intermediate-Level Trampoline Tricks

Let’s level up the excitement with some intermediate tricks. These moves are a bit more challenging but loads of fun once you get the hang of them.

Backflip: This is a classic trampoline trick where you flip backward in the air and land back on your feet.

Frontflip: Similar to the backflip, but you flip forward instead of backward.

360-degree Spin: Jump up and twist your body in mid-air, completing a full rotation before landing.

Seat Drop to Back Drop: Start with a seat drop, then transition into a back drop where you land on your back and bounce back up.

Pike Jump: Jump up and bring your legs straight out in front of you, forming a “pike” position in the air before landing.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Mastering Intermediate Tricks


  1. Start by practicing on a lower bounce, gradually building height as you gain confidence.
  2. Jump up high, tuck your knees to your chest, and rotate backward.
  3. Spot your landing and extend your legs to prepare for landing.
  4. Practice with a spotter or a safety harness until you feel comfortable doing it on your own.


  1. Begin with a strong jump and bring your knees up towards your chest.
  2. Lean forward slightly as you tuck and rotate forward.
  3. Spot your landing and extend your legs to prepare for landing.
  4. Practice on a lower bounce first and gradually increase height as you improve.

360-degree Spin:

  1. Jump up high and twist your body to the side, initiating the spin.
  2. Keep your arms and head aligned with your body to maintain control.
  3. Spot your landing and prepare to land facing the same direction you started.
  4. Practice controlling the spin speed and landing accurately.

Seat Drop to Back Drop:

  1. Start with a seat drop, landing on your bottom with your legs extended.
  2. As you bounce back up, tuck your knees to your chest and roll backward into a back drop.
  3. Use your arms to cushion the impact and maintain control.
  4. Practice the transition smoothly, focusing on timing and body position.

Pike Jump:

  1. Jump up high and bring your legs straight out in front of you, forming a “pike” shape with your body.
  2. Keep your back straight and arms by your sides for balance.
  3. Spot your landing and prepare to bend your knees slightly upon impact.
  4. Practice achieving height and control in your pike position before landing.

Advanced Stunts

It’s time to explore the exciting world of advanced tricks. These are the cool moves that require a lot of practice and skill to pull off safely.

Taking on advanced trampoline stunts is thrilling, but remember, it’s all about having fun while staying safe.

Practice, patience, and getting help from experienced coaches will help you nail those awesome moves.

Advanced-Level Trampoline Maneuvers

Double Backflip: Imagine doing not just one, but two flips in the air before landing back on your feet!

Twisting Layout: This is when you jump really high and twist your body around multiple times while you’re up in the air.

Rudi Out: It’s like doing a forward flip but adding a twist so you land facing a different direction.

Trampoline Wall Tricks: You use the bounce of the trampoline to jump off a wall and do flips and spins in the air.

Trampoline Snowboard Tricks: You pretend you’re snowboarding on the trampoline, doing tricks like spins and flips.

Skills and Experience Needed

Strength and Agility: You need to be strong and flexible to do these tricks. So, regular exercise and practice are important.

Air Awareness: This means knowing where your body is while you’re flying through the air. It takes time to get used to this feeling.

Spotting and Timing: You have to know when to start and finish each trick to land safely. Practice helps you get the timing right.

Proper Technique: Learning the right way to do each trick is super important. That’s why it’s good to learn from someone who knows what they’re doing.

Safety First: These tricks can be risky, so it’s crucial to be careful and not try anything too hard until you’re ready. Always have someone watching you for safety.

Combination Moves

Putting together a trampoline routine is all about having fun and showing off your skills.

With some practice and creativity, you can make an awesome routine that everyone will love to watch.

Combining Different Tricks into Fluid Routines

Start with a Theme: Think about what kind of feeling you want your routine to have, like being really bouncy or graceful.

Mix it Up: Choose a bunch of different tricks to include in your routine. Try jumps, flips, spins, and twists to make it interesting.

Think about Moving Between Tricks: Plan how you’ll go from one trick to the next. It’s like making a dance where each move flows into the next one smoothly.

Play with Timing: Try doing some tricks fast and some slow. Mixing up the speed makes your routine more exciting.

Make it Your Own: Add your own style to the routine. You can do special moves or add little touches that show off your personality.

Tips on Choreographing Routines and Transitioning Between Tricks

Plan Ahead: Make a plan of what tricks you’ll do and when. This helps you remember the routine.

Practice Moving Between Tricks: Spend time practicing how you’ll switch from one trick to the next. This makes your routine look smooth and cool.

Watch for Cues: Look for signals that tell you when to do the next trick. It could be something in the music or a spot on the trampoline.

Keep the Flow Going: Try to keep moving without stopping too much between tricks. It makes your routine look nicer.

Be Flexible: If something doesn’t work right, it’s okay to change it. Keep trying different ways until you find what works best for you.

Freestyle and Creativity

Try making up your own moves and have fun experimenting. Here are some tips to help you develop your own style:

  1. Play around with different jumps, spins, and flips to see what feels good.
  2. Pay attention to how you move and what you enjoy doing most.
  3. Don’t be afraid to try new things and make mistakes.
  4. Watch other trampoline artists for inspiration, but remember to add your own twist.
  5. Most importantly, have fun and let your personality shine through in your trampoline moves!

Training Tips

To boost trampoline skills, try these exercises:

  1. Jumping jacks to warm up.
  2. Practice bouncing in different directions to improve control.
  3. Work on tuck jumps and pike jumps to strengthen legs.
  4. Do core exercises like planks for better stability.
  5. Cross-training, like swimming or gymnastics, builds overall strength and flexibility. It helps prevent injuries and improves performance. 


If you’re facing trampoline troubles, you’re not alone! Here are some common issues and how to tackle them:

 Fear of trying new tricks: Start small and gradually build confidence.

Overcoming plateau: Mix up your routine and set new goals to keep things exciting.

Dealing with fear of falling: Focus on proper technique and practice falling safely.

Lack of motivation: Remember why you love trampolining and celebrate your progress.

Feeling frustrated: Take breaks, be patient with yourself, and remember that progress takes time. Keep bouncing and don’t give up!

Safety First

Safety comes first when you’re bouncing on a trampoline, especially if you’re just starting out. Remember, safety always comes first, so follow these tips and have a blast bouncing on the trampoline! Here’s why it’s so important and some tips to stay safe:

Why Safety Matters

Preventing Injuries: Safety gear like helmets and pads can protect you if you fall.

Having Fun: When you feel safe, you can relax and enjoy bouncing without worrying about getting hurt.

Staying Healthy: By following safety rules, you can avoid accidents and keep bouncing for a long time.

Safety Tips

Wear the Right Gear: Put on a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads to protect yourself.

Have Adult Supervision: If you’re a kid, make sure an adult is watching to help if you need it.

Stay Away from the Edge: Bounce in the middle of the trampoline to avoid falling off.

Warm Up First: Stretch your muscles and do some light bouncing to get ready.

Start Small: Begin with simple jumps and tricks, and only try harder ones once you’re more confident.

Check the Trampoline: Before you start bouncing, make sure the trampoline is in good condition with no tears or damage.

Avoid Bad Weather: Don’t bounce when it’s windy, rainy, or stormy—it’s not safe!


In the end, we’ve talked a lot about how awesome trampoline tricks are. We covered everything from simple bounces to fancy flips. But the most important thing we talked about was staying safe while having fun. 

So, whether you’re a beginner or a pro, always remember to be careful, follow the rules, and enjoy every bounce. Keep practicing and trying new things, and most of all, keep on having a blast on your trampoline.


Why do people like doing trampoline tricks?

People enjoy trampoline tricks because they're exciting and make them feel like they're flying. It's like being in a circus and doing fun flips and spins in the air.

How do trampoline tricks help with health?

Trampoline tricks can make you stronger, help your heart stay healthy, and improve your balance and coordination. They're also a fun way to exercise without feeling like you're working out.

What makes trampoline tricks fun to watch?

Trampoline tricks are entertaining to watch because they're full of energy and look really cool.

Seeing someone jump high and do flips and spins in the air is impressive and exciting.

How can you get better at doing trampoline tricks?

You can improve your trampoline skills by practicing regularly and learning new tricks step by step. It's also helpful to have someone experienced teach you and make sure you're doing everything safely.

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

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