Creative Trampoline Games for Kids: Outdoor Play Ideas

“NASA astronauts use trampolines in their training programs to simulate the feeling of weightlessness in space.”

Trampoline games are super popular with kids these days. They’re not just fun; they’re also great for staying active.

Trampoline Games

Playing outside is super important for kids because it helps them stay healthy and learn new things.

In this blog, I’ll talk about some awesome games kids can play on trampolines. These games are not only fun but also help kids stay fit, be creative, and make friends. 

I’ll share some tips for parents to make sure their kids stay safe while having a blast on the trampoline.

Importance of Creative Trampoline Games

Kids need to play in ways that make them think and move around. This kind of play helps them in many ways:

Imagination and Creativity: Playing lets kids use their imagination and come up with new ideas. It’s like when they pretend to be superheroes or build forts with blankets and pillows.

Problem-Solving Skills: When kids play, they often have to figure things out, like how to climb a tree or makeup rules for a game. This helps them get better at solving problems.

Social Skills: Playing with other kids helps them learn how to get along, share, and work together. They learn to talk, listen, and solve disagreements.

Physical Health: Playing keeps kids active, which is important for their bodies. It makes their muscles and bones stronger, helps their hearts stay healthy, and keeps them from becoming overweight.

How Trampoline Games Help Kids

Trampolines are like big bouncy beds that kids can jump on. Playing on trampolines is not only fun but also good for kids’ health:

Exercise for the Heart: Jumping on a trampoline is like doing exercise. It makes their hearts beat faster and helps them stay in good shape.

Strong Muscles: When kids jump, they use lots of muscles, like the ones in their legs and stomachs. This makes their muscles stronger and keeps them healthy.

Better Balance and Coordination: Jumping on a trampoline helps kids learn how to stay balanced and coordinated. This means they get better at moving their bodies in the right way.

Happier Feelings: When kids play and move around, their bodies make happy chemicals in their brains. This makes them feel good and less stressed.

Using Imagination: Trampolines aren’t just for bouncing up and down. Kids can make up their own games and tricks. This lets them use their imaginations and creativity.

Game 1: Trampoline Tag

Trampoline Tag is a fun game where kids bounce on a trampoline while trying to tag each other. They take turns being ‘it’ and running away, promoting exercise and friendship.

Description of the game and how it’s played

Trampoline Tag is a fun game where kids play tag while bouncing on a trampoline. Here’s how it works:

  • One player is chosen to be the “tagger,” and another player is the “runner” to start.
  • The tagger jumps onto the trampoline and tries to touch the runner to tag them.
  • The runner’s job is to avoid getting tagged by bouncing around the trampoline.
  • If the tagger tags the runner, they switch roles, and the tagged player becomes the new tagger.
  • The game keeps going, with players taking turns being the tagger and the runner.

Benefits of Trampoline Tag 

Playing Trampoline Tag is not just fun; it’s also good for kids in many ways:

Exercise: Jumping on the trampoline is like exercise. It gets their heart pumping and makes their muscles stronger.

Cardiovascular Health: Jumping on the trampoline helps keep their hearts healthy by making them beat faster.

Moving Better: Playing Trampoline Tag helps kids learn to move their bodies in the right way and stay balanced.

Playing Together: Trampoline Tag is a game that kids play together. They have to talk and work together to have fun.

Feeling Happy: When kids play and move around, their bodies make them feel good and less stressed.

Game 2: Bounce and Count

Bounce and Count is a cool game that mixes fun with learning. It helps kids practice counting while having a blast bouncing on the trampoline!

Explanation of the game’s rules and objectives

Bounce and Count is a game played on a trampoline where kids bounce up and down while counting out loud. Here’s how it works:

  • Everyone gets on the trampoline and starts bouncing.
  • One person starts by saying a number, like “1” or “5”.
  • Then, everyone has to keep bouncing and count out loud, reaching the number that was said.
  • After they reach the number, someone else says a new number, and they start counting again.
  • The goal is to keep bouncing and counting without making mistakes.

Learning opportunities for counting and coordination

Bounce and Count is not just a fun game; it also helps kids learn and improve in a few ways:

Counting Practice: By counting out loud while bouncing, kids get to practice counting and get better at it.

Recognizing Numbers: Saying numbers helps kids recognize and understand what the numbers look like.

Coordination: Bouncing and counting at the same time requires good coordination. It helps kids learn to move their bodies in sync with their counting.

Playing Together: Taking turns and playing with others helps kids learn to share and work together.

Game 3: Simon Says Bouncing Edition

Simon Says Bouncing Edition is a cool game that mixes bouncing on the trampoline with following instructions. It’s not only fun but also helps kids learn and move around.

Adaptation of the classic game for trampoline play

Simon Says Bouncing Edition is a fun version of the classic Simon Says game, but played on a trampoline. Here’s how it works:

  • Everyone stands on the trampoline, and one person is chosen to be “Simon.”
  • Simon stands outside the trampoline and gives commands like “Simon says bounce three times” or “Simon says touch your toes.”
  • Players on the trampoline have to do what Simon says, but only if Simon starts the command with “Simon says.”
  • If Simon gives a command without saying “Simon says” first, players shouldn’t do it.
  • The game goes on with Simon giving commands and players bouncing and following the right ones.


Benefits of Simon Says for listening skills and following instructions

Playing Simon Says Bouncing Edition is not just fun; it also helps kids in a few ways:

Listening Skills: Kids need to listen carefully to what Simon says to know what to do next. This helps them get better at paying attention.

Following Instructions: By following Simon’s commands, kids learn to do what they’re told and follow rules. It’s a good way for them to practice listening and doing what’s asked.

Memory and Thinking: Remembering what Simon said and deciding whether to follow commands or not helps kids exercise their memory and thinking skills.

Moving and Playing: Doing actions on the trampoline, like bouncing or touching toes, is not just fun but also good exercise. It helps keep kids active and healthy.

Playing Together: Simon Says is a game where everyone can play together. It helps kids learn to take turns, communicate, and have fun with others.

Game 4: Trampoline Twister

Trampoline Twister is a cool game that mixes bouncing on the trampoline with stretching and reaching. It’s not only fun but also helps kids become more flexible, balanced, and strong.

Description of how Twister can be played on a trampoline

Trampoline Twister is like regular Twister, but it’s played on a bouncy trampoline. Here’s how it works:

  • You lay out a big Twister mat or make circles with different colors on the trampoline.
  • Each color represents a different body part, like left hand, right hand, left foot, or right foot.
  • One person spins the Twister spinner or calls out instructions. They say which body part goes on which color.
  • Players have to bounce on the trampoline and reach the circles with the right body parts without falling over.
  • The last person standing without falling or touching the trampoline with the wrong body part wins.

Benefits of Twister for flexibility and balance

Playing Trampoline Twister is not just fun; it also helps kids in a few ways:

Bending and Stretching: Reaching for circles on the trampoline makes kids bend and stretch their bodies in different ways. This helps them become more flexible.

Staying Balanced: Trying to balance on one foot or reaching for circles while bouncing on the trampoline helps kids improve their balance. It teaches them to stay steady even when things are moving.

Moving Together: Coordinating bouncing and reaching for circles helps kids learn to move their bodies in sync. It’s like a fun exercise that helps them stay active and healthy.

Strengthening Muscles: Using their muscles to reach for circles and stay balanced helps make kids’ muscles stronger, especially their core muscles in the belly and back.

Having Fun: Trampoline Twister is a game that kids can play with friends, which makes it even more enjoyable. They can laugh and have a great time while getting exercise.

Game 5: Musical Bounce

Musical Bounce is a cool game that mixes bouncing on the trampoline with the excitement of Musical Chairs. It’s not only fun but also helps kids become quicker and better at reacting to things happening around them!

How Musical Chairs can be adapted for trampoline play

Musical Bounce is like Musical Chairs, but instead of chairs, I use markers on the trampoline. Here’s how I play:

  • We put colorful markers in a circle on the trampoline, one less than the number of players.
  • Everyone bounces on the trampoline while music plays.
  • When the music stops, everyone has to find a marker to stand on.
  • Whoever can’t find a marker is out for that round and sits out until the next round.
  • We take away one marker after each round and keep playing until only one player is left standing.

Benefits of Musical Bounce for agility and reaction time

Playing Musical Bounce is not just fun; it also helps kids in a few ways:

Moving Quickly: Bouncing on the trampoline and finding a marker fast helps kids learn to move quickly and make decisions on the spot.

Reacting Fast: When the music stops, kids have to react quickly and find a marker. This helps them get better at reacting fast to things happening around them.

Staying Balanced: Bouncing and moving around on the trampoline helps kids practice staying balanced, even when they’re in a hurry.

Watching and Listening: Kids need to pay attention to both the music and the markers to play the game. This helps them get better at listening and watching what’s happening around them.

Having Fun and Moving: Musical Bounce is a game that kids can play with friends while having a blast bouncing on the trampoline. It’s not just fun; it also keeps them active and healthy.

DIY Trampoline Game Ideas

Get creative and start making up your own trampoline games! It’s a super fun way to have adventures and make memories with your friends and family.

Create homemade games for trampoline play

Making up your own games for the trampoline is super fun! Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Bounce Ball: Use a soft ball or balloon to play games like bouncing volleyball or basketball. You can bounce the ball back and forth or try to score points by throwing or hitting it into a target.

Jumping Challenges: Create different challenges for jumping on the trampoline, like seeing who can jump the highest or the farthest. You can also try jumping together with friends in cool patterns!

Obstacle Course: Set up a fun obstacle course on the trampoline using things you have at home, like hula hoops, cones, or cushions. Jump, crawl, and climb your way through the course for an exciting adventure.

Bounce Tag: Turn the classic game of tag into a bouncing adventure! One person is “it,” and they try to tag others who are bouncing around. It’s like regular tag, but way more fun!

Examples of DIY games using household items and creativity

You can make up your own games using stuff you have at home. Here are some cool ideas:

Balloon Pop Challenge: Hang balloons from the trampoline and try to pop as many as you can while bouncing. It’s like a fun popping party!

Colorful Hopscotch: Use colored tape or chalk to draw a hopscotch grid on the trampoline. Jump from square to square and see if you can reach the end without falling!

Ring Toss: Set up bottles or cones on the trampoline and try to toss rings onto them. It’s like a fun carnival game right in your backyard!

Trampoline Twister Relay: Create a Twister board on the trampoline with colored circles. Take turns calling out colors, and see who can touch them while bouncing. It’s a fun twist on the classic game!

Benefits of DIY games 

Making up your own games is not just fun; it’s also good for you! Here’s why:

Imagination: Coming up with new games lets you use your imagination and be creative.

Problem-Solving: Figuring out how to play with stuff you have at home helps you become better at solving problems and finding solutions.

Physical Activity: Playing homemade games on the trampoline keeps you active and healthy while having a blast.

Social Interaction: Playing games with friends or family helps you learn to work together and have fun with others.

Feeling Proud: When you make up your own games, you feel proud of what you’ve created, which boosts your confidence and makes you feel good about yourself.


In this blog, you  learned about the amazing benefits of playing games on trampolines. These games are not just fun; they also help kids in many ways.

They make kids stronger, healthier, and happier. Also, they help kids use their imaginations and make friends.

Parents and caregivers should encourage kids to play outside and try out these trampoline games. Playing outside is super important for kids’ health and happiness.

Playing these games together, parents can bond with their kids and create special memories.

It’s essential for kids to play and use their imaginations. Trampoline games are a great way for kids to have fun while staying active and creative.

So by encouraging kids to play and explore, parents help them grow into healthy, happy adults.


1. Why are trampoline games important for kids' development?

Trampoline games are important for kids because they help them in many ways. They make kids think, move, and play together, which is good for their growth.

These games encourage kids to be creative, solve problems, and stay active, which are all important for becoming healthy and happy adults.

2. How do trampoline games benefit kids' health?

Trampoline games are like exercise for kids. They make their hearts beat faster and make their muscles stronger. These games also help kids learn to balance and move their bodies better.

When kids play and jump around, it makes them feel happy and less stressed.

3. What are some popular trampoline games for kids?

Some popular trampoline games include Trampoline Tag, Bounce and Count, Simon Says Bouncing Edition, Trampoline Twister, Musical Bounce, and DIY games like Bounce Ball, Jumping Challenges, Obstacle Course, and Bounce Tag.

4. How do trampoline games encourage social skills in kids?

Trampoline games are fun to play with friends, which helps kids learn how to get along, share, and work together.

When kids play together, they talk, listen, and solve problems, which are all important for making friends and being part of a group.

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

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