Fun Trampoline Activities for Parties and Gatherings

“Bouncing on a trampoline releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, leaving you feeling energized and happy after a jumping session.”

Trampolines are those big bouncy mats you often see in people’s backyards. They’re not just for jumping around by yourself anymore!  

Now, people are using trampolines to make their parties and get-togethers super fun.

Fun Trampoline Activities

In this post, I’m going to share lots of fun games and activities you can play on a trampoline at your next party. I’ll talk about some classic games like Trampoline Dodgeball and Trampoline Basketball

But I’ll also show you some creative games like Musical Trampolines and Trampoline Twister.

There’s something for everyone, and I’m excited to show you how awesome trampoline parties can be! So, get ready to bounce into a world of fun with us!

Why Trampolines are Great for Parties

Imagine jumping up and down on one with your friends, giggling and having the time of your life. It’s like you’re flying for a moment. 

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, having a big family reunion, or just chilling with pals, having a trampoline around makes everything more awesome.

It’s not like playing board games or watching TV. Trampolines get your body moving and grooving. 

Additionally, they’re really good for you! Bouncing around helps keep your heart healthy and your muscles strong.

So, trampolines are the perfect party addition because they’re super fun, keep you active, and make you feel like a superstar.

Benefits of Trampoline Activities for Parties

Let’s talk about how trampolining is good for our bodies and minds. I’ll explain why it makes parties more fun, and how we can have an awesome time bouncing at our parties!

Physical Benefits

Fun Exercise: Jumping on a trampoline is like playing, but it’s good for your body too! It makes muscles stronger and helps your heart stay healthy.

Workout for Everything: Bouncing works out all parts of your body, like legs, tummy, and arms.

Burns Calories: When you jump, you burn calories, which helps keep you in good shape.

Easy on Joints: Jumping on a trampoline is gentle on your body, so it’s less likely to hurt your knees or other parts.

Mental Benefits

Feeling Happy: Bouncing makes you feel really good! It helps you feel less stressed and more relaxed.

Makes You Smile: Jumping is so much fun, it makes you smile and feel happy inside.

Helps You Focus: Bouncing needs you to concentrate, which helps you think better.

Meet New Friends: When you bounce with others, you can make new friends and have fun together.

Making the Party Better

Active Fun: Bouncing on a trampoline is a cool way to have fun and stay active during the party.

Fun for Everyone: Trampolines are fun for kids and grown-ups, so everyone can join in and have a good time.

Remembering the Fun: Bouncing makes the party more memorable with lots of laughter and great photos.

Party Theme: Trampoline fun can match the party’s theme, like making it feel like a circus or an adventure!

Classic Trampoline Party Games

Here I’ll explain how to play classic trampoline games like Dodgeball and Trampoline Basketball . Will offer tips for hosting, and suggest variations, so everyone can have a blast at your party!

Trampoline Dodgeball

How to Play: In Trampoline Dodgeball, players bounce on the trampoline while trying to dodge balls thrown by opponents. If a player gets hit by a ball, they’re out. The last person standing wins!

Hosting Tips: Have two teams and designate a neutral referee to ensure fair play. Use soft foam balls to prevent injuries. Set boundaries on the trampoline to keep players from falling off.

Variations: Try adding obstacles or barriers on the trampoline to make dodging more challenging. You can also play with different rules, like allowing players to catch balls to bring back eliminated teammates.

Trampoline Basketball

How to Play: Trampoline Basketball is like regular basketball, but with an added bounce! Players try to score points by shooting the ball into a hoop attached to the trampoline. The team with the most points wins!

Hosting Tips: Have teams of equal size and provide a soft basketball suitable for trampoline use. Adjust the height of the hoop based on the players’ ages and skill levels. Encourage teamwork and good sportsmanship.

Variations: Make the game more challenging by adding obstacles around the hoop or introducing special rules, like requiring players to perform a trick bounce before shooting. You can also play “H-O-R-S-E” where players take turns attempting trick shots, with others needing to copy the shot or gain a letter.

Creative Trampoline Activities

Follow these easy steps and recommendations! Your party guests will have the time of their life with these creative trampoline activities.

Musical Trampolines

How to Play: Set up music and have players bounce on the trampoline. When the music stops, everyone must freeze. The last one bouncing is out. Continue until one player remains.

Hosting Tips: Choose a variety of music genres. Have someone control the music. Make sure players understand the rules and boundaries.

Recommendations: Use upbeat music to keep energy levels high. Add twists like having players perform a dance move when the music stops.

Trampoline Twister

How to Play: Place colored circles on the trampoline surface. A spinner dictates body parts and colors. Players must touch the correct color with the designated body part while bouncing.

Hosting Tips: Make sure the trampoline surface is clean and non-slip. Assign a referee to spin and call out instructions. Have players take turns to avoid collisions.

Recommendations: Use bright colors for better visibility. Adapt traditional Twister rules for bouncing.

Trampoline Tag

How to Play: Designate one player as “it.” They must bounce to tag other players. Once tagged, players become “it” and join in tagging others.

Hosting Tips: Establish boundaries and safety rules. Rotate players frequently to keep the game fair. Encourage strategic bouncing and quick movements.

Recommendations: Use a soft ball as a tagging tool for added safety. Consider playing in teams to increase participation.

Trampoline Challenges and Contests

Organize these trampoline challenges and contests with fairness and safety in mind. You’ll enhance the excitement and enjoyment of your party for everyone.

Longest Jump

How to Play: Each player takes turns jumping as far as they can on the trampoline. The player with the longest jump wins.

Adding Excitement: Longest Jump adds a thrilling competition element to the party. Which is encouraging for participants to push themselves to jump farther.

Guidelines: Mark a starting point and measure the distance from where each player lands. Ensure the trampoline is safe and well-maintained. Consider age and skill levels when judging.

Best Trick Contest

How to Play: Players showcase their coolest tricks on the trampoline, such as flips, twists, or spins. Judges or participants vote for the best trick.

Add Excitement: Best Trick Contest sparks creativity and awe-inspiring moments. Which makes the party more entertaining.

Guidelines: Set clear rules and safety precautions for trick execution. Encourage originality and skill. Consider factors like difficulty, execution, and style when judging.

High Bounce Challenge

How to Play: Players attempt to bounce as high as they can on the trampoline. The player who achieves the highest bounce wins.

Add Bit of Excitement: High Bounce Challenge creates a thrilling atmosphere as players compete to reach new heights.

Guidelines: Mark a reference point to measure bounce height. Ensure the trampoline is properly set up and supervised. Emphasize safety and proper bouncing technique.

Group Trampoline Routines

Try out group trampoline routines and working together. You’ll make your party even more fun and create great memories with your friends.

Making Fun Routines

What’s It About: Group trampoline routines are all about doing cool jumps and flips together with friends or family.

Why It’s Fun: Making routines is like creating a dance on the trampoline, and it makes parties more exciting and memorable.

Ideas to Try: Start with simple moves where everyone jumps together. Then, you can try doing flips at the same time!

Doing Jumps and Flips Together

What It Means: Jumping and flipping together means doing the same moves at the same time with your group.

Why It’s Cool: It looks super cool when everyone does the same tricks together, and it feels like you’re part of a team.

How to Start: Practice easy jumps and flips together first. You can count out loud or use words to help everyone do the moves together.

Working as a Team

What It’s About: Doing group routines means working together with your friends or family and talking to each other.

Why It’s Awesome: It’s fun to work as a team, and it makes the routines look amazing when everyone is in sync.

Tips for Success: Talk to each other and cheer each other on. Keep practicing, and don’t worry if it’s not perfect at first!

Trampoline Safety Tips

Follow these safety tips, so everyone can enjoy bouncing on the trampoline safely at your party.

Why Safety Matters

Why It’s Important: Safety is super important when using trampolines to make sure everyone stays safe and has fun.

What Can Happen: Without safety, accidents can happen, and people can get hurt. We want to avoid that!

Guidelines for Everyone

For Jumpers: Always bounce one person at a time. No flipping unless you’re really good at it and have someone to watch. Be careful when getting on and off the trampoline.

For Hosts: Make sure the trampoline is in good shape before letting people use it. Have someone watch to make sure everyone follows the rules.

Tips for Staying Safe

Supervision: Have an adult watch everyone while they’re bouncing. This helps prevent accidents and makes sure everyone follows the rules.

Bounce Safely: Make sure everyone knows how to land safely and not to jump too high or too close to the edge.

Check for Safety: Before using the trampoline, check if there are any holes or broken parts. Make sure the springs and frame are covered with padding.

Preventing Injuries

Soft Landing: Make sure the area around the trampoline is soft in case someone falls off. You can use mats or grass.

Stay Inside: Make sure everyone stays inside the trampoline’s boundaries. Falling off can cause injuries.

No Rough Play: Avoid roughhousing or pushing others while on the trampoline. This can lead to accidents.

Setting Up a Trampoline Party

These steps and checklist will help you to be well-prepared to host a fun and safe trampoline party.

Choosing the Right Location

Pick a Safe Spot: Set up the trampoline in a flat area away from obstacles like trees, fences, and walls. Make sure there’s enough space around it for safe bouncing.

Getting the Equipment Ready

Check the Trampoline: Make sure the trampoline is in good condition with no tears or broken parts. Ensure the springs and frame are covered with padding.

Safety Accessories: Have safety equipment like mats or soft landing areas nearby. Consider having a first aid kit handy just in case.

Planning Guest Accommodations

Guest Safety: Make sure all guests know the safety rules before they start bouncing. Assign an adult to supervise trampoline activities throughout the party.

Accommodate Everyone: Consider the age and size of your guests when planning activities. Have options for those who may not want to bounce, like games or snacks.

Checklist for a Successful Event

Before the Party: Check the trampoline and surrounding area for safety. Set up any additional equipment or decorations.

During the Party: Make sure there’s plenty of water and snacks available for guests. Keep an eye on everyone to ensure they’re following safety guidelines.

After the Party: Check the trampoline again for any damage. Clean up any mess and properly store equipment.


Trampoline parties are the coolest. From classic games to creative activities, they’re perfect for any gathering. 

Also, they’re not just fun—they’re good for you too. Bouncing on a trampoline gets your body moving and your spirits high.

But safety always comes first. Make sure everyone knows the rules and has adult supervision. And don’t forget to check the trampoline for any damage before starting.

So, why not bounce into your next party with some trampoline fun? It’s a sure way to make lasting memories with friends and family. 

Thanks for exploring these awesome trampoline activities with us.


Are trampolines safe for parties?

Yes, trampolines can be safe for parties if we follow rules. We should always watch everyone, make sure the trampoline is okay, and tell everyone how to bounce safely.

Can everyone participate in trampoline activities at a party?

Yes, trampolines are for both kids and adults. We just need to make sure everyone can join in safely based on their age and how they move.

How can I ensure the trampoline is safe for use before a party?

Before the party, we should check the trampoline for any problems. We need to make sure it's not torn or broken. Also, we should have soft things around in case someone falls.

What should I do if someone gets injured while using the trampoline?

If someone gets hurt, we need to help them right away. If it's serious, we should get them to a doctor. It's important to have someone watching everyone so they can help if someone gets hurt.

Can I ride my longboard on the sidewalk?

In many places, it's legal to ride longboards on the sidewalk as long as you let walkers go and ride safely. However, it's always better to check local laws and regulations.

Can I ride my longboard in the rain?

It's not recommended to ride your longboard in the rain or on wet surfaces. It can make the board slippery and increase the risk of accidents.

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

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