Longboarding for Fitness: How to Get in Shape While Cruising

Did you know that longboarding isn’t just about cruising around—it’s also an awesome way to get in shape? Yup, you heard that right!

Longboarding for Fitness

Well, get ready to ride the wave of fun with me as we dive into the exciting world of longboarding for fitness!

When I first started riding my longboard, I couldn’t believe the amazing workout I was getting without even realizing it. 

According to a study by Harvard Medical School, longboarding can burn up to 4-7 calories per minute. 

So, grab your longboard, and let’s dive into the world of fitness together. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this epic journey to a healthier, stronger you.

What is Longboarding?

Longboarding is a fun way to ride around on a special kind of skateboard called a longboard. It’s like a longer and wider version of a regular skateboard, which makes it easier to balance.

Different from Skateboarding: Longboarding is similar to skateboarding. But it’s easier because the board is longer and more stable.

Riding Style: Longboarding is more about riding smoothly and enjoying the journey.

Good for Getting Around: Longboards are great for riding around town or along the beach. They’re perfect for cruising and getting from place to place.

Styles of Longboarding: There are different ways to ride a longboard. Some people like to make smooth turns, while others enjoy going fast downhill or doing tricks.

All About Fun: Whether you’re just starting or you’re a pro, longboarding is all about having a good time. It’s about enjoying the ride and feeling free as you cruise along.

How to Get Start with Longboarding?

For your better understanding, I’m adding some tips to get started with longboarding for fitness:

Find a Safe Place to Practice

You should look for a smooth and flat surface. For example, a quiet street or an empty parking lot. So, you can practice without any obstacles or traffic.

Get the Right Gear

Make sure you have the proper gear before you start. This includes a helmet and knee and elbow pads to prevent any injuries. You also need to wear sturdy shoes for a good grip on the board.

Learn Your Stance

You can stand on your longboard with one foot in front of the other, about shoulder-width apart. This is called your stance. You can try both your left and right feet forward to see which feels more comfortable for you.

Practice Pushing Off

You can push off the ground with one foot while keeping the other foot on the board. This will help you gain speed and momentum. You can slowly increase your speed as you get more comfortable.

Practice Turning

To turn, you need to lean your body in the direction you want to go while shifting your weight on the board. You can start with gentle turns and practice making bigger turns as you gain confidence.

Learn How to Stop

The easiest way to stop for beginners is to gently drag your back foot on the ground to slow down and come to a stop.

Stay Balanced

To stay balanced, bend your knees a little and keep your body in the middle of the board. Try to be relaxed and stay loose while riding to avoid tensing up and losing control.

Safety First: Essential Gear for Longboarding for Fitness

You must wear the right safety gear to stay safe and fit while longboarding.

  • Helmet: A helmet is the most important piece of safety gear for longboarding. It protects your head from injuries if you fall or crash. So, make sure to wear a helmet every time you ride your longboard.
  • Knee and Elbow Pads: Knee and elbow pads are like cushions for your knees and elbows. They protect your skin from scrapes and bruises if you fall or slide on the ground. You should always wear knee and elbow pads to stay safe while longboarding.
  • Wrist Guards: They protect your wrists from sprains or fractures if you fall. So, if you wear wrist guards, it can prevent painful injuries and keep your wrists safe.
  • Closed-Toe Shoes: Closed-toe shoes with sturdy soles are the best footwear for longboarding. They provide a good grip on the board and protect your feet from bumps or scrapes.
  • Long-Sleeve Shirt and Pants: Wearing long-sleeve shirts and pants can help protect your skin from scratches or sunburn. They provide an extra layer of protection and keep you comfortable while riding.
  • Reflective Gear: If you’re riding your longboard in the evening or at night, you should wear reflective gear. It can help make you more visible to drivers and other people. This includes reflective tape, vests, or clothing with reflective strips.
  • Check Your Gear Regularly: Before you start riding, always check your safety gear to make sure it’s in good condition. Look for any signs of damage or wear and tear, and replace any worn-out or damaged gear as soon as possible.

What Are the Health Benefits of Longboarding?

Let’s explore the health benefits of longboarding for fitness:

  1. Stronger Muscles: When you ride a longboard, your leg muscles work hard to push and steer. This helps make your leg muscles stronger.
  2. Healthy Heart and Lungs: Longboarding is like exercise for your heart and lungs. Riding makes your heart beat faster and your lungs breathe deeper.
  3. Good for Balance: Longboarding helps you balance on the board. This makes your balance and coordination skills better over time.
  4. Burns Calories: Riding a longboard burns lots of calories, like running or playing sports. It helps keep your body fit and healthy.
  5. Improves Mood: Longboarding makes you feel happy and free. It’s a fun way to spend time outside and enjoy the fresh air, which can improve your mood.
  6. Reduces Stress: Going for a ride can help you feel better when you’re feeling stressed or worried. The motion of riding and being outside can calm your mind and help you relax.
  7. Keeps You Active: Instead of sitting inside and watching TV, longboarding gets you up and moving. It’s a fun way to stay active and have fun at the same time.

Know About Different Workouts of Longboarding for Fitness

There are plenty of fun and exciting workouts you can do on your longboard to stay fit and healthy.

  • Cruising: Riding around on your longboard is a great workout. It helps your heart pump, and your muscles move better. So, you can try cruising around your neighborhood or at the park for a fun and easy workout.
  • Hill Riding: Riding down hills on your longboard is a thrilling workout. It helps build leg strength and stability. You need to start on small hills and work your way up to bigger ones as you gain confidence.
  • Interval Training: It means switching between quick bursts of hard activities and times when you rest or do easier activities. You can do it on your longboard by riding fast for a minute, then slow down or rest for a minute, and repeat. This helps improve cardiovascular fitness and burns lots of calories.
  • Pushing Practice: Pushing your longboard is a great way to work out your leg muscles and improve your stamina. You can practice pushing off the ground and riding for longer distances. It’ll help you build strength and endurance.
  • Freestyle Tricks: It requires balance, coordination, and core strength to pull off cool moves while riding. You can start with simple tricks and gradually work your way up to more advanced ones.
  • Group Rides: Joining a longboarding group is a fun way to stay motivated and get a workout together. You can challenge each other to races, practice new skills, or explore new places while having fun.
  • Longboard Yoga: It’s a unique way to combine longboarding with yoga poses. Riding your longboard while practicing yoga poses helps improve balance, flexibility, and core strength.

How Longboarding Helps with Weight Loss

Research by Harvard Medical School shows that people who weigh between 125 and 185 pounds will burn between 300 and 444 calories per hour.

So, longboarding for weight loss combines the advantages of longboarding for fitness. Let’s explore how it helps you lose weight:

  1. Burns Calories: When you ride longboards, your body moves and works hard. It burns lots of calories. This helps you lose weight because you’re using up energy from the food you eat.
  2. Cardio Workout: Longboarding is a fun cardio workout. It gets your heart pumped and your breath faster. This helps you burn calories and lose weight.
  3. Engages Lots of Muscles: Riding a longboard uses lots of muscles in your body, like your legs, core, and arms. When you use these muscles, it helps you burn even more calories and lose weight faster.
  4. Keeps Us Active: Instead of watching TV or playing video games, longboarding gets you up and move. Being active helps you burn calories and stay healthy, which can lead to weight loss over time.
  5. Fun Way to Exercise: When you’re having fun, you keep riding your longboards. This makes it easier to lose weight and stay healthy.
  6. Improves Mood: Longboarding makes you feel happy and free. When you’re in a good mood, you’re more active and make healthy choices. For example, eating nutritious foods and staying active.
  7. Builds Confidence: As you ride your longboards and get better at them, you feel more confident. This can help you stick with your weight loss goals and make positive changes in your life.

So, longboarding is not only a fun way to get around—it’s also a great way to lose weight and stay healthy.

What Is the Connection Between Longboarding and Mental Health?

There is a connection between mental health and longboarding for fitness. Having good mental health means it can help you stay fit too. Let’s explore it together:

Boosts Mood

Longboarding makes you feel happy and free. When you’re riding your longboards, it’s like you’re flying on wheels, and that can put a big smile on your face.

Reduces Stress

Longboarding helps you forget about your worries and focus on the fun. The feeling of gliding along and the fresh air can help calm your mind and reduce stress.

Improves Focus

While riding your longboards, you must pay attention to your surroundings. This helps improve your focus and concentration skills.

Build Confidence

As you get better at longboarding, you feel more confident in your abilities. This can help you feel more positive and confident.

Provides a Sense of Freedom

Longboarding gives you a sense of freedom and independence. It’s like you’re exploring the world on your own terms, which can make you feel empowered and alive.

Encourages Mindfulness

Longboarding encourages you to be present in the moment and enjoy the experience. You’ve got to pay attention to what you’re doing and how your body feels. It can help you practice mindfulness and stay grounded.

Connects You with Nature

Longboarding often takes you outdoors, where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. Being in nature can have a calm and soothing effect on your mind.


In conclusion, longboarding for fitness is a fantastic way to get in shape and have fun.

Every time you cruise on your longboard, you’re enjoying a thrilling adventure. Longboarding benefits both your physical and mental well-being.

You’re also getting the chance to connect with new people to do longboarding together.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s ride towards a fitter, more vibrant you!


Is longboarding safe?

Longboarding can be safe if you wear the right safety gear, like helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. It's important to practice and start slowly until you feel comfortable.

Can I longboard with my friends?

Absolutely! Longboarding with friends is lots of fun. You can ride together, learn from each other, and have adventures exploring new places.

Can I longboard if I'm not very athletic?

Of course! Longboarding is for everyone, regardless of athletic ability. It's a fun way to stay active and get exercise, no matter your skill level.

How can I start longboarding for fitness?

You can find a flat and smooth surface to ride on. Also, you must wear your safety gear and practice pushing off and balancing on the board.

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

Join Reko and with more than 50k readers each month, my goal is to share my knowledge with you. My reviews are based on my own experiences (and not from a nameless brand).

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