How to Clean Soccer Cleats: Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide

Learn how to clean soccer cleats with this easy to follow guide. A must-read for any soccer player or fan looking to keep their cleats in top condition.

Soccer boots always appear spotless when they are shown at a sporting goods store. But after being used for a while, they start to accumulate dust, dirt, and grass clings.

How to clean soccer cleats

You may also experience the extra issue of worn soccer cleats smelling bad. Therefore, learning how to clean clear soccer cleats is important.

By cleaning it incorrectly, you run the risk of easily damaging the sole and deforming the upper section.

I have compiled recommendations about how to clean soccer cleats. It may help you avoid an unpleasant letdown after the first wash.

Let’s read!

Why Do You Need To Clean Your Soccer Cleats?

Cleaning and drying your cleats are the best method to guarantee they perform optimally. It doesn’t take long to keep them in good condition.

You need to clean your soccer cleats”

  • To get the best output from the cleats
  • Long-lasting performance
  • Decorate in your shoe cased
  • Storing for the next match
  • To get comfort when playing

How Can I Avoid Having Smelly Cleats?

Cleaning the outside of the shoes is not only one aspect of proper soccer cleat upkeep.

The interior occasionally need maintenance as well.

How to clean soccer cleat

Although cleaning removable insoles is not difficult, it should only be done once each month.

  • The cleats must be dried after each use.
  • Allow the shoes to dry by air. Because it will stop bacterial development, which will stop the development of any odor.
  • Remove a deodorant spray to remove the sweat from your feet.
  • You can also use the powder to remove the sweating.

How To Clean Your Soccer Cleats?

Let’s give attention to know the cleaning process:

Look For A Soft-Bristle Brush 

The brush you choose is crucial.

Too soft bristles won’t be able to remove enough dirt. Too-hard bristles run the risk of scratching the cleats’ surface.

So, find a suitable brush to clean your soccer cleats.

Take Some Warm Water To Clean Your Cleats 

Next, locate a bucket or other similar container that has a capacity of around 5 liters (1 gallon) of water.

It’s crucial to consider the water’s temperature. If it’s too cold, it won’t be able to clean as well.

When the water is too hot, it could harm your cleats unnecessarily.

Add Cleaning Product To Water

Cleaning can be accomplished with just water, but adding a little cleaning solution can yield better results.

Add Cleaning Products

If you search for cleaning products, you can find them on the market.

In the past, I’ve even used a tiny bit of dish soap or laundry detergent added to the water. 

This works well to clean your cleats as well.

Remove Thick Pieces of Mud From The Cleats 

Remove all of the larger clumps of mud and debris before washing the cleats.

To complete this task, select a reliable tool that you can hold in your hand.

You might want to think about using:

  • a scraper, 
  • a scraper,
  • a spoon, 
  • a dull knife, 
  • or even a powerful stick

Remove the Insole And Laces

Remove the laces and footbed after clearing the larger mud chunks from the cleats (if they are removable).

Add Cleaning Products

In a washing machine, these can both be washed separately.

Submerge The Brush In The Water

After that, submerge your brush in the water to prepare it for cleaning.

The brush only needs to carry enough water to saturate the mud on the cleats;

It doesn’t need to be completely soaked.

Clean The Cleat’s Surface 

Starting with a tiny circular motion, carefully brush the exterior of the grubby cleats.

Avoid using excessive force or scrubbing to clean the floor. 

Compared to many other items you would clean, your cleats are far more delicate.

Pay Attention to Joints And Stitching 

When it comes to the joints and stitching of the cleats, you should be very careful.

Mud that is small enough to get there can harm these places.

This is why I’ve included it as a separate step—it will ultimately have a big impact on your cleats.

Try cleaning these areas with a toothbrush if your main brush is too large.

Clean With Water After Using Soap 

To get rid of the soapy water, you must rinse your cleats.

Clean Smelly Soccer Cleats 

If you bought your athletic shoes from a specialized retailer, there will be an instruction manual with pictures.

Smelly Soccer Clats

To learn how to remove odor from boots, be sure to thoroughly read all of the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Cleaning Soccer Boots By Hand 

You need to prepare some soap before cleaning the cleats. The best options for this are dishwashing detergent or soap gel.

 When washing sports shoes with spikes, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  • First, you have to remove the cleats, soak the laces, then soap solution is applied.
  • You have to use a brush, but should be remembered that the water is not to be hotter than 40 degrees.
  • If stains are present, gently scrub them with a toothbrush to avoid harming the surface. Your hand should remain inside the shoe.
  • Now, wash your cleats properly with clean water until clear liquid without soapy froth starts to flow.

Dry Cleaning Soccer Boots 

I recommend dry cleaning if the dirt isn’t too terrible. 

Dry cleaning will not remove the smell from your boots, but it will remove dust, grass, and traces of grime from your shoes.

To make your shoes appear clean, please follow these instructions:

  • Remove the grass, shake off the dirt, then use a brush to clean the bottoms of the shoes.
  • The entire surface should be covered with a soft brush.
  • If required, use a toothbrush to remove particularly difficult spots.
  • If the waterproof thick fabric in your sports shoes is still intact, I suggest wiping them down with a towel dipped in soapy water.
  • With a fresh cloth, remove the remaining foam.

Using The Washing Machine To Clean

Use washing machine to clean cleats 1 

  • The first step is to clean up any dirt and grass clippings.
  • Put your shoes in the washing machine in a bag designed specifically for cleaning soccer cleats.
  • Wash your cleats at temperatures no higher than 40 degrees.
  • After cleaning the shoes, let them air dry. First, use paper or newspapers to absorb moisture. Then it is therefore recommended to use a shoe dryer.

Cleaning Boot’s Insoles And Laces 

Using baking soda is the simplest and most efficient way to remove dirt stains from inside the cleats.

Spray the surface with water, then generously sprinkle with sodium bicarbonate, and leave the shoes for 30 minutes.

Shake off any remaining wet soda and grime, then clean the surface with a damp sponge and blot it with a cloth.

After that, hang the shoes to dry for a bit.

It is preferable to soak the laces in bleach and then wash them afterward before using this approach.

You have to ensure the most pleasant water temperature, up to 40 degrees.

Cleaning the insoles is nearly identical to washing the cleats. 

Make sure to remove them and soak them in a soapy solution.

After around two hours, remove the filth with a toothbrush or sponge and hand-wash the shoes without using a machine. 

It is preferable to dry your cleats flat. Spread them out on a towel or soft cloth after rinsing. Allow them to dry completely. 

Before deodorizing boots, remember to wipe the insoles on a regular basis. Otherwise, there is no way to totally eliminate the odor.

How To Maintain Soccer Cleats? 

How To Maintain cleats

  • Avoid damaging your cleats by removing them by stepping on the heel. 
  • If your cleats have detachable studs, make sure you inspect them after each game. Change them if you find signs of wear and tear. 
  • You may dramatically increase the lifespan of your cleats by switching which pair you use for each game or practice.
  • Use an oil or shine to preserve the leather on your soccer cleats after you’ve cleaned and dried them.

This helps in shielding it from anything that could degrade the substance.

  • Before putting your cleats in the bag, always let them dry. The best option is to choose a breathable bag that allows moisture to evaporate.

Final Thought 

Soccer is a game that requires both physical prowess and mental fortitude. 

This indicates that if you want to succeed, you must be determined, self-assured, and well-prepared.

Before a game, you’ll feel more confident if your soccer cleats are clean. 

It also helps to eliminate any pointless mental diversion.

So, after finishing this guide, I hope you are now able to clean your soccer cleats properly.

And, enjoy the game!


Can I wash my soccer cleats?

Yes! Soccer cleats can be hand-washed or machine-washed. 

To do so, you must follow certain guidelines and tips in order to avoid damaging the shoes or the material.

How can I deodorize my shoes? 

In addition to eliminating bacteria, there are specific sprays for deodorizing soccer shoes.

Only apply shoe deodorant to dry and clean boots. This can be done after any cleaning, washing, or airing procedure.

How can I dry my soccer cleats?

If your cleats are damp on the inside, try packing them with newspaper to absorb extra moisture.

Newspapers absorb a lot of water which can also help them keep their form over time.

Can I put my soccer cleats in the washer?

Soccer cleats cannot be washed in a washing machine. In addition, avoid drying your cleats in a dryer.

Hard materials are used in the design of soccer cleats.

If these hard materials are subjected to a severe cycle in a washing machine, they won’t survive very long.

The dryer or washing machine may also malfunction.

Can I use my soccer cleats outside of the game?

It’s a good idea to take off your cleats as soon as you leave the field.

You avoid any unnecessary wear and tear that would occur if you walked on concrete.

Bring an additional pair of shoes to the game that you can change into before leaving at the end of the game.

How should soccer cleats be kept when not in use?

During the offseason, keep your soccer shoes in a bag that is permeable to the air.

Thus, they will remain in good condition and can be shielded from direct sunlight. 


How often should I clean my soccer cleats?

It's a good practice to clean your soccer cleats after every use. Regular cleaning helps maintain their condition and extends their lifespan.

Can I use water to clean my soccer cleats?

Yes, water is essential for cleaning soccer cleats. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away dirt and mud. Avoid submerging them in water or using hot water, as it may damage the materials.

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Yes, you can customize your longboard by choosing different deck shapes, sizes, trucks, wheels, and even graphic designs.

How much should a good-brand longboard cost?

The cost of a longboard from a reputable brand can range from $100 to $300 or more, depending on the brand, deck size, and overall quality.

What makes a longboard brand the best?

The best longboard brand is subjective and varies based on individual riding styles, preferences, and budgets.

Reko A. Rahman


Reko A. Rahman

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